
10 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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How DARE you parody the BEST SHOW in existence? I hate you soooo muuuuuch (cries like a maniacal fanboy).
In all seriousness, it's ok, the animation doesn't suck but it's just too damn short.

fortehero responds:

Aha. But Doctor Who.

Cool and informative, I guess. But your font (comic sans MS) is a very unfortunate choice.

TheRealGetrad responds:

Haha yeah I picked it to troll one of the teachers, and it worked so so good.

It looks really good, but it's too short to get a decent rating. You should definitely turn this into a whole movie, because you obviously have talent. I'd love to see more from you. This is far from a negative review.

stoneseeker responds:

thanks dude. As I said before, I sorta saw this coming. I really wish there wsa a seperate category I could put this in. Like digital art loops, or something. It's certainly short for an animated short, but thats just not what I intended. Think of it as an ehanced painting you would find in the art portal, thats what I'm aiming at. I'll share my short films here too, they just take a lot more time to do and I don't have a lot these days.


omg never laughed so much

MasterDragonClock responds:

Me either :D


this was great. i mean, it was a long time ago i laughed on the flash portal.
its a classic gag, but you suceeded to make it funnier than the original

AdequateJ responds:

Good, I was worried the humor was a bit stale, especially for newgrounds.

Good submission

Nice. Good show. i like this kind of humor because there is no diguisting violence like in the mojority of the other "humor" flashes. Seriously, i think that the type "gore humor" sucks
why do poeple are seem to be obliged to put violence in their stupid flashes. Anyways... i think im so far of talking of the flash, so make some more of this kind of humor please.

StupidDream responds:

Well that's the double-edged sword or whatever, right? A lot of reviews in here bash on the film simply because it doesn't have that kind of humor or gore violence or whatever. If they would have taken the moment to see it was rated for all ages, they could have saved themselves the trouble and went to another submission on this site.

The benefit though is every now and then you turn someone around, someone who doesn't really care for these type of animations. That's the goal, right? To make a film good enough that it can please the people you designed it for, and can make get a few other fans based purely on its quality, rather than genre.

I can feel for a lot of animators out there who might have to suffer the same type of ridicule, where they feel like they're forced to appeal to the users looking for their quick fix of blood. They come to this, and are sorely disappointed.

Anyways, thanks for the review.

My buoyancy exceeds average. I also design some stuff with photoshop from time to time and like to draw shit... and shit.

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