
56 Game Reviews

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You spent too much time on making slightly complex combos and attacks, rather than making the animations smooth and the controls accurate. I can't possibly give this higher than 2,5 stars.

The controls are unresponsive, the game is buggy as hell; up to the point where you lose so many frames it becomes unplayable and on top of that, it's confusing as the camera is always at the same place. And even then, the gameplay is boring and even with all its issues, the game remains too easy. I mean, step your game up.

This game is surprisingly serene and fun. Very relaxing after a stressful day.

Okay, I guess. But the controls are wonky as hell and the AI is retarded.

Awesome, simply a playlist of some of the best songs on the website! I also love the art style, very reminiscent of Fallout...

Very good game, nice concept and good twist on the genre. I would have liked an option to change the controls, though. Being left handed, I'm used to using the ASDW keys with my right hand, but having to push the space button with my left hand is incredibly awkward. Other than that gripe, I enjoyed the game for what it is, and would like for it to have more options over time.

Very good design, impressive and original. I do wish the AI would be able to respond to more questions, and also complex questions. I also would have liked the game to be a tiny bit longer, but it doesn't really matter since it's basically as long as you make it to be... I understand that all this is very hard to pull off, but I do believe it would be well worth the effort. Keep up the good work!

My buoyancy exceeds average. I also design some stuff with photoshop from time to time and like to draw shit... and shit.

Age 31, Male

Mischief. Mayhem.

Quebec, Canada.

Joined on 2/1/07

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