
56 Game Reviews

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I really loved this game. Everything was good overall. But! It would have been nice that the game might have been a little longer. It would also have been nice if the better ores were tougher to get so that the player could have a certain feeling of achievement when getting deeper and earning better stuff. It would also have been cool if there were more ores and if the map was deeper, and if the COre were a LOT harder to get. But all in all, great game, great gameplay.

What an amazing game!! Seriously, I've been waiting for this game since the day I was born, without knowing it though. This game is the baby from the incestual union of awesomeness and great gameplay. It takes everything that makes a game great and just puts it together like it's noboby's business. A great addition to the series.

P.S.: In combat arena mode, my character keeps losing his Tac-Bar for some reason. He is fully upgraded and I can't find any way to replenish it again... Help?

Fuck yeah

I love those kinda games. It is really original and well done. Great job.

What the fuck?

How can you like this? Frame rate is retardedly low, graphics are garbage and most importantly, its looks like the car is going 2mph even when it gently says im doing some 200mph+. The game is overly repetitive and kept me interested for a mere 5 minutes, after that I just thought screw this. Vote that useless I dont give a shit. A useless review for a useless game.

My expectations were way too high.

Isnt it hard enough to make a good song? I guess not, i gotta play a song on the impossible to play retardo wheel with shitty controls! I was expecting too much of you guys. Fix it to look like guitar when playing the concert because as it is, the game is crap.

Awesome drawings

Being a drawer myself, your designs gave me a lot of inspiration in my future drawings.

It's all great but...

Please I beg you to make this game harder, it's too easy and too short also.
Other than that, it's still a very cool game and by far the best launch game ever, style I really enjoy.

Loved it!

The best upgrade game out there! The way you upgrade EVERYTHING is just awesome! Great game.


man the voice acting was awesome! anyway that was good fun for a flash game and really challenging. I loved it.


i was expecting pretty low because i have never seen anything like this. but after a while, as i discovered everything you could do, i was really thinking i was on my desktop. the little details like websites and pictures you put into the game are just great and really offer many hours of fun time you can waste.
and the robot thingy you can talk to is pretty well made as well.
anyway very good "game" and i hope to see more from you.

Archawn responds:

Thanks! I hope to make more, too.

My buoyancy exceeds average. I also design some stuff with photoshop from time to time and like to draw shit... and shit.

Age 31, Male

Mischief. Mayhem.

Quebec, Canada.

Joined on 2/1/07

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